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TC Electronic UniTune Clip-on Chromatic Tuner Akort Aleti

Ürün Kodu : 2717
2.052,00 TL
2.052,00 TL

TC Electronic UniTune Clip-on Chromatic Tuner Akort Aleti

Black Clip-On Tuner with Strobe and Chromatic Modes and 108 LED Matrix Display for Uncompromised Tuning Quality
The UNITUNE CLIP NOIR offers uncompromised tuning quality and versatile tuning options. With high-quality construction, fast and responsive performance and the utmost accuracy, UNITUNE CLIP NOIR is the essential Clip-On tuner for any guitarist, bassist or ukulele player!

With its elegantly simple and sturdy design, scorchingly bright display and quick responsive performance, UNITUNE CLIP NOIR is the obvious companion for serious musicians and bedroom heroes alike.

It's elegant, intuitive to use, and sure to hold up for years and years of tune-ups.

Reliable Clip-On Tuner more elegant than ever
Extremely accurate Strobe tuner with ± 0.02 cent accuracy
Ultra-fast Chromatic tuner with ± 0.05 cent accuracy
UNITUNE CLIP NOIR features a light-speed chromatic tuning mode, that tunes your instrument in an instant with a scorchingly bright needle display to an accuracy of ± 0.05 cent. UNITUNE CLIP NOIR gives you an instant readout for those quick on-stage tune-ups where you don't want to hold up the gig for a bad pitch. If precision is of the utmost importance, go for the strobe tuning mode and literally get within two cents of your note. With an incredible ± 0.02 cent of tuning accuracy, UNITUNE CLIP NOIR is at home on the back of your headstock rocking out as well as for fine-tuning.
Built To Last
UNITUNE CLIP NOIR was built with reliability and longevity in mind. The casing is molded out of a custom-made resin designed specifically to provide the kind of quality and feel you would expect from a TC Electronic product. The tough stainless steel clip is sandblasted for a safe grip when handling it and it is fitted with a tight industrial grade spring along with extra-grippy rubber pads to safely perch your tuner on your guitars headstock.

TC Electronic tuner'ların her zaman diğer birçok elektronik tunerin üzerinde sahip olduğu bir şey, birçok farklı aydınlatma koşulunda görülmesi kolay olan parlak LED ekrana sahiptir. UniTune klipsli tuneri, gün ışığında bile görülebilecek kadar parlak 108yüksek güçlü LED ışığına sahiptir. Ekranın uyarlanabilir teknolojisi otomatik olarak okumayı otomatik olarak çevirir, böylece tuneri ön kısımda veya başlığın arkasında ve sağ ve sol el aletlerinde kolayca kullanabilirsiniz.

Gitar, bas, ukulele ve diğer enstrümanlar için en gelişmiş klipsli tuner
± 0,02 sent hassasiyet
Ultra parlak ve okunması kolay ekran
Uyarlamalı ekran
Zarif ama dayanıklı tasarım
Yüksek kaliteli paslanmaz çelik klips
Düz Tuning ve Capo Modu
Pil başına 18 saate kadar kullanım
Tip: kromatik
Biçim: Klipsli
Ekran tipi: led, flaş
Kalibrasyon: 435Hz-445Hz
Doğruluk: ± 0,05 cent (kromatik), ± 0,02 sent (strobe)
Piller: Lityum pil CR2032

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