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Seymour Duncan Black Winter Trembucker Bridge Manyetik

Ürün Kodu : 11103-91-B
5.143,00 TL
5.143,00 TL
5.143,00 TL
5.143,00 TL

Seymour Duncan Black Winter Trembucker Bridge Manyetik

The Black Winter is as dark as the winters in Scandinavia with excessive grime and aggression; the right balance of mids, treble and bass to instantly take you from annihilating riffs to articulately cutting solos. The Black Winter fills the needs of extreme metal guitarists with a tone that provides crushing distortion, punishing mids and lots of aggressive saturation.

Complete setup
Available for 6-string guitars in either a bridge or neck version or as a complete calibrated set.

For balanced and warm instruments.

Available mods
Available only in black. Trembucker or regular spacing.

Ola Englund / Feared, Six Feet Under, Keith Merrow

Category: Seymour Duncan Humbuckers & Trembuckers

DC Resistance:Neck: 13.00 k; Bridge: 16.60 K k

Resonant Peak: Neck: 6.35 KHz; Bridge: 6.68 KHz

EQ: 0 / 0 / 0 (Treb / Mid / Bass)

Magnet: Ceramic Bar

Cable: Four Con.

Output: High

User: Pro Shop

Type: Hum-Cancelling

Ürün Açıklaması
T-Soft E-Ticaret Sistemleriyle Hazırlanmıştır.